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Grahame-White, Claude

Entry updated 25 November 2024. Tagged: Author.

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(1879-1959) UK aviator, aircraft manufacturer and author of two sf juveniles with Harry Harper: The Air-King's Treasure (1913) and The Invisible War-Plane: A Tale of Air Adventure in the Great Campaign (1915). In the latter an Airship is concealed by paint which (it is claimed) neither absorbs nor reflects light. The Aeroplane: Past, Present, and Future (anth 1911) with Harry Harper is an early, highly factual presentation of the subject, with several photographs of Grahame-White as a pilot; further similar texts followed, including Flying: an Epitome and a Forecast (1930), which is heavily illustrated. [JC/PN]

Claude Grahame-White

born Burlesdon, Hampshire: 31 August 1879

died Nice, France: 19 August 1959


nonfiction (selected)


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