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Griffin, P M

Entry updated 13 January 2025. Tagged: Author.

Working name of US author Pauline Margaret Griffin (1947-2020), who sometimes wrote as Pauline Griffin. She was initially known for the untaxing Star Commandos Military SF sequence set in an interstellar venue, beginning with Star Commandos (1986) and ending with Star Commandos #12: War Prince (2004). Griffin also published several fantasy stories, including Science Fantasy material contributed to Andre Norton's Witch World sequence, such as "Oath-Bound" as Pauline Griffin in Tales of the Witch World (anth 1987) edited by Norton and Witch World: The Turning: Storms of Victory (1991) with Norton.

Of more specific sf interest are Redline the Stars (1993) with Norton, which sequels the latter's first Solar Queen tale, Postmarked the Stars (1959), and Firehand (1994) with Norton, part of the latter's Time Traders sequence. It is likely – see discussion in the entry on Andre Norton – that Griffin was effectively the author of these and other titles listed as being collaborative.

A decade after the final Star Commandos title, this author returned with a string of digitally published novels including the sf Stand at Cornith (2014 ebook), Survivor (2014 ebook), Fell Conquest (2015 ebook) and The Purgatorio Virus (2015 ebook), plus several fantasies. All these late works seem to have been withdrawn from sale by the time of Griffin's death. [JC/DRL]

Pauline Margaret Griffin

born New York: 5 July 1947

died New York: 10 August 2020

works (selected)


Star Commandos

Witch World: The Turning

Solar Queen

Time Traders

Elven King

  • The Elven King (place not given: MuseItUp Publishing, 2017) [ebook: Elven King: na/Charlotte Volnek]
  • Dark Priest (place not given: MuseItUp Publishing, ?2017) [ebook: Elven King: na/Charlotte Volnek]

individual titles

  • Stand at Cornith (place not given: MuseItUp Publishing, 2014) [ebook: na/]
  • Survivor (place not given: MuseItUp Publishing, 2014) [ebook: na/]
  • Fell Conquest (place not given: MuseItUp Publishing, 2015) [ebook: na/]
  • The Purgatorio Virus (place not given: MuseItUp Publishing, 2015) [ebook: na/Charlotte Volnek]
  • Haunted World (place not given: MuseItUp Publishing, 2016) [ebook: na/]
  • Bad Neighbors (place not given: MuseItUp Publishing, 2016) [ebook: na/Charlotte Volnek]
  • Rebels' World (place not given: MuseItUp Publishing, 2017) [ebook: na/Charlotte Volnek]


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