Hammond, Warren
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.

(? - ) US author of the ongoing KOP sequence of noir detective thrillers set in a complexly grim City on a colony planet, beginning with KOP (2007) and EX-KOP (2008). The first volumes are powerful though not innovative. [JC]
Warren Hammond
born New York State
- KOP (New York: Tor, 2007) [KOP: hb/Chris McGrath]
- EX-KOP (New York: Tor, 2008) [KOP: hb/Chris McGrath]
- KOPS (New York: Science Fiction Book Club, 2009) [omni of the above two: KOP: hb/Chris McGrath]
- KOP Killer (New York: Tor, 2012) [KOP: hb/Chris McGrath]
individual titles
- Denver Moon: The Minds of Mars (Erie, Colorado: Hex Publishers, 2018) with Joshua Viola [coll: hb/Kirk DouPonce]
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