Harker, Kenneth
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.

(1927-2003) UK author with a training in physics, employed as a technical officer in the thermal insulation business, whose first published sf story was "Cog" in New Worlds, April 1966; he had previously sold crime and fantasy fiction, an earlier nonrealistic story being "Colossus of Roads" (August 1961 Storyteller). His sf novels – The Symmetrians (1966), which concerns a Dystopian response to nuclear Holocaust in which a cult of "Absolute Symmetry" becomes the world Religion, and The Flowers of February (1970) for Robert Hale Limited, featuring deadly spores from outer space – are straightforward but uninspired. [JC]
Kenneth Harker
born Darlington, County Durham: 2 April 1927
died Redcar and Cleveland: April 2003
- The Symmetrians (London: Compact Books, 1966) [pb/]
- The Flowers of February (London: Robert Hale, 1970) [hb/]
- The Treasure on Tau Ceti (London: Dunscaith Publishing, 1990) [pb/]
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