Hasse, Henry
Entry updated 13 January 2025. Tagged: Author.
(1913-1977) US fan and sf author who frequently worked in collaboration with others – notably A Fedor, with whom he published his first story "The End of Tyme" (November 1933 Wonder Stories) and its sequel in the Tyme sequence, "The Return of Tyme" (August 1934 Wonder Stories); Emil Petaja, whose pseudonym E Theodore Pine he once shared; and Ray Bradbury, with whom he collaborated on Bradbury's first professional story, "Pendulum" (November 1941 Super Science Stories). His best-known story is the novelette He Who Shrank (August 1936 Amazing; 2021 dos), whose narrator undergoes Drug-induced Miniaturization, visiting a succession of nested universes whose progression towards the infinitely small eventually loops back to the infinitely large (see Great and Small). His one sf novel published in book form during his lifetime, The Stars Will Wait (1968), is a Space Opera. [JC/DRL]
see also: Recursive SF.
Henry Louis Hasse
born Indiana: 7 February 1913
died Los Angeles, California: 20 May 1977
- The Stars Will Wait (New York: Avalon Books, 1968) [hb/Michael M Peters]
- The Beginning (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2008) [story: ebook: first appeared May 1961 Amazing: na/]
- Walls of Acid (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2009) [story: ebook: first appeared July 1947 Fantasy Book: na/]
- We're Friends, Now (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2009) [story: ebook: first appeared April 1960 Amazing: na/]
- One Purple Hope (place not given: Project Gutenberg, 2010) [story: ebook: first appeared July 1952 Planet Stories: na/]
- Trail of the Astrogar (Medford, Oregon: Armchair Fiction, 2013) [dos: first appeared October 1947 Amazing Stories: pb/R G Jones]
- Alcatraz of the Starways (Medford, Oregon: Armchair Fiction, 2015) with Albert dePina [dos: first appeared May 1943 Planet Stories: pb/George Rozen]
- He Who Shrank (Medford, Oregon: Armchair Fiction, 2021) [dos: first appeared August 1936 Amazing Stories: pb/Leo Morey]
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