Heng, Rachel
Entry updated 8 May 2023. Tagged: Author.

(1988- ) Singaporean author, in US from adulthood. In her first novel, the Near Future Suicide Club: A Novel About Living (2018), which is set in a vividly cruel New York Media Landscape, a young woman whose genetic makeup gives her the chance of becoming Immortal (see Eugenics) must decide between this apparent gift (to earn which she must keep fanatically fit and obsess on her body) and a life shaped around mortality and mortal love. The Great Reclamation (2023), which is Equipoisal between Alternate World plot manoeuvres and more straightforward fantasy, follows the lives in Singapore and elsewhere of various characters from before and during the maelstrom of World War Two, and then into aftermath. One of the protagonists is capable of seeing and locating an otherwise invisible Island full of the good things of the world. Hope is expressed that bounty will somehow flow henceforth. [JC]
Rachel Heng
born Singapore: 1988
- Suicide Club: A Novel About Living (New York: Henry Holt, 2018) [hb/Karen Horton]
- The Great Reclamation (London: Headline/Tinder Press, 2023) [hb/various images]
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