Hirschman, Edward
Entry updated 4 April 2022. Tagged: Author.

(1950- ) Author, presumably US and perhaps pseudonymous, whose Tarzan at Mars' Core (1977) is a weak pastiche of Edgar Rice Burroughs in which a UFO transports Tarzan to what appears to be a Far Future version of Burroughs's Pellucidar set within Mars. This Hollow Earth venue is now dying and desertified owing to exploitation by its intelligent inhabitants and the fact that the internal sun is itself fading (see Dying Earth). Tarzan remains trapped within Mars at the finale, suggesting a planned but unwritten sequel. Hirschman also wrote and published Tarzan, Jane, and Jungle Lust (1983). [DRL]
Edward Hirschman
born 1950
- Tarzan at Mars' Core (Annandale, Virginia: The DeLethein Press, 1977) [spiral-bound format: Tarzan: pb/]
- Tarzan, Jane, and Jungle Lust (Annandale, Virginia: The DeLethein Press, 1983) [spiral-bound format: Tarzan: pb/]
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