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Howland, Marie

Entry updated 30 December 2024. Tagged: Author.

(1836-1921) US author, mostly of nonfiction advocating Feminism and socialist solutions to the inequities of modern America. She is of some sf interest for a Utopia, Papa's Own Girl (1874; vt The Familistère 1918), whose female protagonist flourishes in an ideal community that has realized the ideal society espoused by Charles Fourier (1772-1837), with interacting semi-independent quasi-anarchic profit-sharing "phalanxes" or "familiestères". The success of this enterprise implies a Near Future setting, as does the protagonist's later success in business. [JC]

Marie Stevens Case Howland

born Lebanon, New Hampshire: 1836

died Fairhope, Alabama: 18 September 1921

works (selected)

  • Papa's Own Girl (Boston, Massachusetts: Lee and Shepard/John P Jewett, 1874) [hb/]
    • The Familistère (Boston, Massachusetts: The Christopher Publishing House, 1918) [binding unknown/]


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