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Hurley, Andrew Michael

Entry updated 3 February 2025. Tagged: Author.

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(1975-    ) UK author, almost entirely of Horror, beginning with The Loney (2014); lecturer in creative writing (fiction) at Manchester Metropolitan University from 2016. He is of sf interest for the Equipoisal Barrowbeck (Radio version 2022 BBC4 as "Voices in the Valley"; coll of linked stories 2024), set in the low-lying village of Barrowbeck on the Lancashire-Yorkshire border. For two thousand years an emanation or a force or a being, perhaps something like a dark iteration of Gaia, has intimately interpenetrated the lives of the villagers, who are increasingly beleaguered by Progress. The sequence ends in the desolate Near Future of 2041. Savage Climate Change has generated vast permanent flooding, transforming the now-abandoned Barrowbeck into a polluted lake. A young inhabitant of this diminished scene, summoned there by surveillance cameras' record of something chthonic dissipating heavenwards, cannot understand what has been lost, because she is too young to have been there: the planet not saved by her self-blinded ancestors over the first decades of the century is all the home she knows. [JC]

Andrew Michael Hurley

born Preston, Lancashire: 1975


  • The Loney (Leyburn, East Yorkshire: Tartarus Press, 2014) [hb/]
  • Devil's Day (London: John Murray, 2017) [hb/Tom Richardson]
  • Starve Acre (London: John Murray, 2019) [hb/]
  • Barrowbeck (London: John Murray, 2024) [coll of linked stories: hb/Ramon Keimig]


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