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Ingram, Kenneth

Entry updated 25 November 2024. Tagged: Author.

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(1882-1965) UK barrister, lay theologian, and author of some novels in the field of the fantastic, including Midsummer Sanity (1933), in which Faerie [see The Encyclopedia of Fantasy under links below] and mortal Earth intersect at the summer solstice, at which point the denizens of the former convey wisdom to the denizens of the latter. Three novels are of sf interest. In The Symbolic Island: A Novel (1924), a group of holidayers is trapped on an Island by an umbrella cloud of Poison gas, a new Element generated when a nearby island, where a super-Weapon had been under development, explodes; the survivors discuss building a Utopia, but the gas eventually dissipates. England at the Flood Tide (1924) espouses a Utopian Britain in which natural aristocrats rule a willing populace, and women have property rights; and in The Premier Tells the Truth (1944), a truth Drug causes fruitful disarray in the distant Near Future. The Coming Civilization Will It Be Capitalist? Will It Be Materialist? (1935) is a nonfiction speculation. [JC/AR]

Archibald Kenneth Ingram

born London: 7 June 1882

died London: 28 June 1965




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