Jarvis, E K
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author, House name.

Ziff-Davis House Name used 1942-1958 in Amazing, Fantastic Adventures and Fantastic for over 45 stories, primarily by Robert Moore Williams, who used the name as a personal pseudonym until the 1950s, when Robert Bloch, Paul W Fairman, Harlan Ellison, Robert Silverberg and Henry Slesar also wrote as Jarvis. Bloch was the most frequent identified user of the byline in the 1950s, with seven appearances; many more "Jarvis" stories remain unidentified. Biddy and the Silver Man (February 1957 Fantastic; 2020 dos) was long misattributed to Harlan Ellison, even on his own website; but his company The Kilimanjaro Corporation announced in January 2020 that he had confirmed before his death that the story was not his. [JC/DRL]
"E K Jarvis"
- The Spectre of Suicide Swamp (Medford, Oregon: Armchair Fiction, 2013) [dos: authorship not established: first appeared July 1952 Fantastic Adventures: pb/Walter Popp]
- You Can't Escape from Mars (Medford, Oregon: Armchair Fiction, 2013) [dos: authorship not established: first appeared September 1950 Amazing Stories: pb/R G Jones]
- Biddy and the Silver Man (Medford, Oregon: Armchair Fiction, 2020) [dos: once wrongly credited to Harlan Ellison: first appeared February 1957 If: pb/]
collections and stories
- The Metal Monster (Rialto, California: Pulp Tales Press, 2017) [coll: authorship not established: hb/]
- The Metal Monster (Medford, Oregon: Armchair Fiction, 2017) [dos: title story only from the above: pb/]
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