Johnson, Tyrell
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.

(? - ) US author, now in Canada, who began to publish work of genre interest with "Feathers for Tray" in On Spec for Summer 2013. The Wolves of Winter (2018) is set in a Near Future Yukon, in the Nuclear Winter caused by World War Three; the rawer Survivalist Fiction elements of the tale – in the first scene its female protagonist is more or less raped – mature into a narrative about the building of community in the wilderness. Johnson should not be confused with the West Indian cricketer Tyrell Johnson (1917-1985) or the American football player "Tyrell" Johnson (1985- ). [JC]
Tyrell Johnson
born Bellingham, Washington
- The Wolves of Winter (London: HarperCollins/One Place Many Stories, 2018) [hb/Pete Garceau and Hafen Hamburg]
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