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Johnston, William

Entry updated 25 July 2024. Tagged: Author.

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(1924-2010) US author, journalist and disk jockey who served in the US Navy Air Corps during World War Two, whose work consists primarily though not exclusively of Ties to various media productions; he wrote more than a hundred such novelizations and original tied novels, beginning to publish work of genre interest with the well-received Get Smart! (1965) and eight further ties to the Television "spy-fi" spoof Get Smart! (1965-1970). Like the parent show these genial comedies feature Technothriller and sf devices, such as the Invisibility serum which becomes a McGuffin in the second book, Sorry, Chief ... (1966).

Captain Nice (1967) novelizes the NBC Superhero comedy Captain Nice (1967). The New People: They Came from the Sea (1969) as by Alex Steele is a Tie to an abortive Young Adult Television series, The New People (1969-1970), which confronts its numerous young protagonists with an Invasion of their Island by beings whose nature is not made clear. Dick Tracy (1970) novelizes the screenplay by Hal Fimberg of an unsold television series pilot of Dick Tracy, the Comic-strip detective; the sf element is that human minds suffer Upload into a computer. Sam Weskit on the Planet Framingham (1970) is a rare standalone sf novel, a comic Space Opera in which a suitably ill-assorted cast is shanghaied aboard a Spaceship bound for adventures on the titular planet. Asylum (1972) novelizes Robert Bloch's screenplay for the Horror anthology film Asylum (1972; vt House of Crazies) directed by Roy Ward Baker.

In 2010, Johnston received the Grandmaster Scribe Award from the International Association of Media Tie-In Writers, for career achievement in media Ties. [DRL]

William Joseph Johnston

born Lincoln, Illinois: 11 January 1924

died San Jose, California: 15 October 2010

works (highly selected)


Get Smart!

The Munsters

The Flying Nun

individual titles


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