Jones, Jingo, M P
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.
Pseudonym of the unidentified UK author (? - ), who may well have been a member of the British Parliament in 1900, in whose Future War tale, The Sack of London by the Highland Host: A Romance of the Period (1900), 30,000 Highlanders destroy much of London, aided by a secret explosive device. In Science-Fiction: The Early Years (1990), Everett F Bleiler suggests that the tale may have been a roman à clef, but leaves the task of decipherment to a scholar versed in British politics. [JC]
"Jingo Jones, M P"
- The Sack of London by the Highland Host: A Romance of the Period (London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent and Co, 1900) [hb/]
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