Jones, Nick
Entry updated 13 January 2025. Tagged: Author.
(1972- ) UK author whose first series, the Downstream Diaries sequence beginning with Downstream (2014 ebook), comprises a first assay at the Time Travel intricacies more fully espoused in the Joseph Bridgeman sequence, beginning with And Then She Vanished (2021) and featuring the same protagonist. In the first iteration of the series, a London antique dealer is inveigled by a time traveller to go on missions into the past in order to rectify the consequences of crimes committed centuries earlier. As with almost any time travel tale, the plot thickens. In the second iteration, Joseph Bridgeman travels back through time to the point where, at a funfair, his sister vanished, desolating the Bridgeman family for decades. [JC]
Nick Jones
born Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire: 1972
Downstream Diaries
- Downstream (place not given: for the author, 2014) [ebook: Downstream Diaries: na/]
- The Unexpected Gift of Joseph Bridgeman (place not given: for the author, 2015) [ebook: Downstream Diaries: na/]
- Joseph Bridgeman and the Silver Hunter (place not given: for the author, 2015) [ebook: Downstream Diaries: na/]
- The Whisper of Stars (place not given: for the author, 2016) [ebook: Hibernation: na/]
- The Embers of Hope (place not given: for the author, 2016) [ebook: Hibernation: na/]
Joseph Bridgeman
- And Then She Vanished (Ashland, Oregon: Blackstone Publishing, 2021) [Joseph Bridgeman: hb/]
- The Shadows of London (Ashland, Oregon: Blackstone Publishing, 2021) [Joseph Bridgeman: hb/]
- The Observer Effect (Ashland, Oregon: Blackstone Publishing, 2022) [Joseph Bridgeman: hb/]
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