Kesey, Ken
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.

(1935-2001) US author, best known for his first published novel, the nonfantastic One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1962), and for his central role in creating the avowedly countercultural "Merry Pranksters" in 1964, as memorably described in Tom Wolfe's The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test (1968). Of sf interest is Sailor Song (1992), a Near Future tale set around 2020 in a seaside town in Alaska, among whose inhabitants are Native Americans and ageing hippies; a visiting film crew threatens to vitiate the authenticity of the place, transforming it into a Media Landscape ripe for Progress, but baulked this time round by a sudden saving catastrophe instigated by Climate Change. [JC]
Kenneth Elton Kesey
born La Junta, Colorado: 17 September 1935
died Eugene, Oregon: 10 November 2001
works (selected)
- Sailor Song (New York: Viking Press, 1992) [hb/Russell Farrell]
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