King, Tappan
Entry updated 19 December 2022. Tagged: Author, Editor.
(1950- ) US editor and author, grandson of Austin Tappan Wright, and married to editor Beth Meacham from 1978; he began publishing solo work of genre interest with "Fearn" in Galaxy for September 1978, and wrote several stories until 1995. With Meacham he wrote Nightshade Book One: Terror, Inc (1976), which is supernatural horror in the Weird Tales Shared World sequence. He is best known for a Young Adult tale, Down Town: A Fantasy (1985) with Viido Polikarpus (1946- ), who was also responsible for the book's illustrations; the tale is set in an Underground world beneath New York, where the young protagonist encounters a complex array of seemingly time-shifted conflicting cultures. The story Equipoisally applies sf tools (a Computer disk is central) to the unravelling of a plot typical of much Urban Fantasy [for this term and for As Above So Below see The Encyclopedia of Fantasy under links below].
From the end of 1986 until it ceased with the June 1989 issue, King edited Rod Serling's The Twilight Zone Magazine. [JC]
Tappan Wright King
born 1950
- Nightshade Book One: Terror, Inc (New York: Pyramid Books, 1976) with Beth Meacham [in the publisher's Weird Heroes series: pb/Ralph Reese]
- Down Town: A Fantasy (New York: Arbor House, 1985) with Viido Polikarpus [illus/hb/Viido Polikarpus]
- Internet Speculative Fiction Database
- The Encyclopedia of Fantasy: As Above, So Below; Tappan King; Urban_fantasy.
- Picture Gallery
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