Kirkham, Nellie
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.
(1897-1979) Birth name, used for all her writing, of the UK author whose married name from 1928 was Mrs James H D Myatt. Her sf novel, Unrest of Their Time (1938), utilizes the Time theories of J W Dunne – specifically his argument that time can be comprehended as a palimpsest of closely compressed spirals, and that different periods can be accessed by crossing over to an earlier or strand (see Timeslip) – in order to place a single protagonist in various eras. In the original edition of the book, contemporary events are printed in black and the Elizabethan portions of the tale are printed in red. [JC]
Mrs James H D Myatt
born 28 August 1897
died Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire: 28 May 1979
- Unrest of Their Time (London: The Cresset Press, 1938) [hb/]
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