Kyne, Peter B
Entry updated 1 December 2024. Tagged: Author.

(1880-1957) US author, many of whose stories – at least 110 are credited – were made into films, including his first and most famous novel, The Three Godfathers (1913). Though it only hints at Near Future events, Pride of Palomar (1921) – filmed as The Pride of Palomar (1922) – is of interest for its portrayal of the Yellow Peril menace to California represented by immigrating Japanese, who in Social Darwinist terms (see also Evolution) are superior to whites. Of direct sf interest is the Lost World tale contained in The Gringo Privateer; And, Island of Desire (coll 1931), in which entrepreneurship carries off the hidden prize. [JC]
Peter Bernard Kyne
born San Francisco, California: 12 October 1880
died San Francisco, California: 25 November 1957
- Pride of Palomar (New York: Cosmopolitan Book Corp, 1921) [first appeared 1920 Cosmopolitan: hb/]
- The Gringo Privateer; And, Island of Desire (New York: Cosmopolitan Book Corp, 1931) [hb/]
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