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Langford, George

Entry updated 25 November 2024. Tagged: Author.

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(1876-1964) US industrialist, amateur palaeontologist and author of several Prehistoric SF tales for juvenile readers (see Children's SF), beginning with the two Pic the Weapon-Maker tales, Pic the Weapon-Maker (1920) and Kutnar, Son of Pic (1921), set 25,000 years ago and featuring what may be Telepathic rapport with mammoths; Senrac, the Lion Man: Adventures of a Boy in the Stone Age (1954) touches fairly closely upon some Tarzan tropes in its depiction of the raising of a feral human boy and a lion cub together on a floating Island. [JC]

George Langford

born Denver, Colorado: 26 May 1876

died Chicago, Illinois: 16 June 1964



Pic the Weapon-Maker

  • Pic the Weapon-Maker (New York: Boni and Liveright, 1920) [Pic the Weapon-Maker: illus/George Langford: hb/]
  • Kutnar, Son of Pic (New York: Boni and Liveright, 1921) [Pic the Weapon-Maker: hb/]

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