Langmead, Oliver K
Entry updated 15 April 2024. Tagged: Author.

(? - ) Scottish author whose work exploits the metaphorical intensities available through a ready access to the SF Megatext, though his works inhabit the water margins of sf as such (see Fantastika). Dark Star (2015), his first book, is a long narrative poem set on an isolated planet, with a Sun that emits no light, befitting the noir language of the telling, and the decidedly non-verismo 1920s urban "hell" – or Pocket Universe – down whose mean streets the detective protagonist must travel. Metronome (2017) takes place in a world where dreams are monitored – and supposedly protected – by a cadre of Sleepwalkers (see Dream Hacking), one of whom goes rogue. The Immortal featured in Birds of Paradise (2021) traverses the twenty-first century, where he rather neglects the creatures he has named, and fails to understand the absence of Eve (see Adam and Eve) in this world. The eponymous idle rich featured in Glitterati (short version in 2084, anth 2017 ed George Sandison; 2022) handle unpleasant events in their lives through Memory Edits; the artefact of Utopia they inhabit is, as usual, built on the suffering of the unprivileged. The protagonist of his second book-length narrative poem, Calypso (2024), finds herself on awakening from Cryogenic Suspended Animation on a Generation Starship discovers that she has become a chthonic figure (see Icons) for the descendants of the original crew. [JC]
Oliver K Langmead
born Edinburgh, Scotland
- Dark Star (London: Unsung Stories, 2015) [poem: pb/Carolina Rodriguez Fuenmayor]
- Metronome (London: Unsung Stories, 2017) [pb/Alex Andreyev]
- Birds of Paradise (London: Titan Books, 2021) [pb/Darren. Kerrigan]
- Glitterati (London: Titan Books, 2022) [short version first appeared in 2084 (anth 2017) edited by George Sandison: pb/]
- Calypso (London: Titan Books, 2024) [poem: hb/]
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