L'Incroyable Cinema
Entry updated 19 February 2024. Tagged: Publication.
UK more-or-less Digest-size saddle-stapled Cinema magazine. Publisher: the editor(s) for issues 1# and #2; Orion Press (Salford) issues #3-#5. Editors were Harry Nadler and Charles Partington (#1) and Harry Nadler (#2-#5). Five lithographed issues published irregularly, in three different sizes, from January 1969 until Autumn 1971.
Harry Nadler, who in 1990 would create Manchester's annual Festival of Fantastic Films, was well respected in the field, and contributions to the magazine, although unpaid, were of a high standard. Writers included Ramsey Campbell (who had suggested the title), Steve Vertlieb and Allan Asherman, as well as Nadler himself for many uncredited pieces. Interview subjects over the course of the five issues were Freddie Francis, William Shatner, Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing and Ray Harryhausen. Issues #2-#5 had colour cover artwork by Eddie Jones, featuring Boris Karloff, Star Trek's Spock and Kirk, Alfred Hitchcock and Ray Harryhausen. All issues had extensive picture coverage of sf and horror films. The final issue's wraparound cover art by Eddie Jones featured some of Harryhausen's many creations, and its well-illustrated 18-page interview with him was conducted at Harryhausen's London studio by Harry Nadler and Dave Trengove.
As with Nadler's and Partington's earlier Semiprozine Alien Worlds, poor distribution and lack of funds resulted in the demise of L'Incroyable Cinema, in this case after just five issues. [BB]
see also: Media Magazines.
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