Lundwall, Sam J
Entry updated 27 January 2025. Tagged: Author, Critic, Editor, Fan.

(1941- ) Swedish author, editor, critic, translator and publisher who has also periodically worked as a singer/songwriter, Television producer, photographer and cartoonist. Lundwall is the pre-eminent figure in Swedish sf. At the age of eleven, he had a short play performed on a children's show on Swedish national Radio. In 1956, he became active in Swedish sf Fandom, as president of a club and a Fanzine publisher. His later fanzine SF Nytt ["SF News"] (75 issues 1958-1983) was for a few years the leading serious Swedish fanzine; from number 59, in 1980, it was a semi-professional magazine about sf (see Semiprozine). In the early 1960s and in the 1970s, Lundwall also organized a number of sf Conventions in Stockholm. Additionally, while still an active fan, Lundwall published the first, mimeographed version of his later much expanded Bibliografi över science fiction och fantasy 1830-1961 ["Bibliography of Science Fiction and Fantasy 1830-1961"] (1962). Although his first professional story "Den åttonde" ["The Eighth"] appeared in September 1959 in the Swedish magazine Häpna!, where he later published five more stories, from 1964 his sf activity became minimal for some while. During the next few years he trained as a photographer, had a short career as a singer-songwriter with one LP album, Visor i vår tid ["Songs for Our Time"; text and chords published under the same title and simultaneously] (1966) and two later singles, Hootenanny ho (1967) and Söker du (1968). Some of his songs are sf (see SF Music). During this period he also freelanced as a writer and cartoonist in Swedish Magazines, among those the Swedish editions of the US Satire magazines Mad and Help. In 1968, as a trainee producer for the forthcoming second state Television channel, he produced a number of short programmes in a series called "Science fiction today", aired on the established first channel – the first time sf was presented in any knowledgeable fashion on Swedish television. As a result of this series, he wrote his first nonfiction book: Science fiction: från begynnelsen till våra dagar ["Science Fiction: From the Beginning until Today"] (1969), published by the Swedish radio-TV monopoly publishing branch. Revised and enlarged, this later became Science Fiction: What It's All About (1971), one of the first overviews of sf published in English.
After leaving the Swedish television network. Lundwall was employed in 1970 as an acquiring editor at Askild & Kärnekull, a newly launched Swedish publishing company. He began the A&K sf line with Isaac Asimov's Foundation trilogy and five further titles before leaving the company in 1973, when he was replaced by John-Henri Holmberg. Lundwall instead concentrated on Delta, a publishing company of which he was a co-owner and publisher, and which from 1972 until 1988 issued some 210 sf/fantasy titles, plus a number of crime and mainstream works; though some of the books were reprints of works previously published in Sweden, the clear majority were originals, making the Delta line the country's dominant sf publishing programme by a very wide margin. After the demise of Delta, Lundwall continued publishing under his own imprint, Lundwall Fakta & Fantasi, which issued a further 80 titles 1986-2002. At other houses in the early 1970s Lundwall also edited lines of sf novels, making him the most influential editor and publisher of sf in Swedish publishing history. While at Askild & Kärnekull, he also acquired rights to Jules Verne-Magasinet, originally published 1940-1947 and the first true Swedish SF Magazine (Lundwall had been fascinated by Jules Verne from childhood); after it had been revived by Bertil Falk as a semi-professional magazine in 1969, publishing ten issues, Falk relinquished rights to Lundwall, who relaunched the magazine in 1972, then moved it to Delta in 1973, where it was published until 1982; thereafter, until 2013, it was published by Lundwall's own Lundwall Fakta & Fantasi imprint. In all, Lundwall seems to have edited 223 issues of the magazine over a period of 42 years; however, the last eight issues, 2011-2013, were not published on paper but only on CD-ROMs available directly from Lundwall and containing almost exclusively his own work: fiction, music, photography, a feature-length film and several short films.
In the mid-1990s, Lundwall became an Overseas Regional Director for Science Fiction Writers of America, in March 2003 resigning both from this position and from SFWA in protest against its refusal to make any statement opposing the US invasion of Iraq. He was also one of the founding members of World SF and that organization's president for a number of years; for twenty years he played an active role in bridging the gaps between sf writers and readers in different countries and languages.
As a nonfiction writer, Lundwall has – besides his Bibliographies – published several books on sf, stressing his view that sf literature is primarily a European, not American, form of literature, and that European sf is more sophisticated and literarily superior to its US counterpart. His books on Utopias and Dystopias, published only in Swedish, make the same point and from a leftist political stance summarily dismiss many American writers, including Ayn Rand and Robert A Heinlein.
Lundwall's early novels are uniformly Satirical. Alice's World (1970) is clearly influenced by Ray Bradbury, No Time for Heroes (1970) and Uppdrag i universum (1973; trans Lundwall as Bernhard the Conqueror 1973) as clearly by Harry Harrison and Robert Sheckley, while King Kong blues: en berättelse från år 2018 (1974; trans Lundwall as 2018 AD, or The King Kong Blues 1975) is more original and ambitious. Mörkrets furste ["The Prince of Darkness"] (1975), perhaps his best early novel, is a pastiche of nineteenth-century fantastic adventure novels, complete with mustachioed villains, weird Inventions (see Steampunk) and an outrageous plot.
Lundwall's later fiction, not translated into English, is in many ways more personal and more ambitious. Among his singletons, Fängelsestaden ["The Prison City"] (1978), inspired by the Carceri etchings of Carceri etchings of Giovanni Battista Piranesi, is set in an immense City of ancient stone buildings and giant Machines where humans move like ants through an insoluble, crumbling Labyrinth; Crash (1982) is set at an sf conference in 1970s New York, where a young Swedish participant experiences an intensive though uncertain and doomed romance with an American literary agent. Flicka i fönster vid världens kant ["Girl in a Window at the Edge of the World"] (1980) is the first book in the loosely connected Flat Earth series of novels and stories all set in a parallel reality where the Planck constant is slightly greater than in ours, and where a Flat Earth is slowly disintegrating by becoming intermingled with other probabilistic realities. In these tales, Time and space are intertwined and dissolved; the world depicted is chaotic, uncertain and unstable, and the characters in the stories live in a labyrinthine, reflective present of marked by insecurity and bitter nostalgia, facing an unpredictable future. To this sequence belong Lundwall's novels Tiden och Amélie ["Time and Amélie"] (1980), Gestalter i Sten ["Figures in Stone"] (1988), Vasja Ambartsurian ["Vasja Ambartsurian"] (1990) and Staden vid tidens ände ["The City at the End of Time"] (1993), as well as his short stories "Nobody Here But Us Shadows" (August 1975 Galaxy), "Take Me Down the River" (in Twenty Houses of the Zodiac, anth 1979, ed Maxim Jakubowski), "Time Everlasting" (in Tales from the Planet Earth, anth 1986, ed Frederik Pohl and Elizabeth Anne Hull), and the novella "Dödens ö" ["The Island of Death"] (2004 Jules Verne-Magasinet #518). The novels and stories in this series are immensely ambitious, but their combined impact is uncertain and less than totally convincing. Lundwall's vision here is simultaneously elegiac and poetic, but also vague. He has since published two further novels, of which Ygor (2014) is said to be his last; it appeared in an edition of only 11 copies, given to family and friends.
Over a period of at least forty years, Sam Lundwall was virtually the personification of sf in Sweden. He has been hailed by critics, praised by media and awarded a guaranteed life income by the Swedish Author's Union. Though his take on the sf genre, as well as his preferences in authors and his critical writings reflect many personal idiosyncrasies and have been challenged by others, his importance to the Swedish sf field and his original vision as an author remain undiminished. [J-HH]
Sam Jerrie Lundwall
born Stockholm, Sweden: 24 February 1941
- No Time for Heroes (New York: Ace Books, 1970) [dos: with Alice's World below: Bernhard: pb/Josh Kirby]
- Inga hjältar här ["No Heroes Here"] (Stockholm, Sweden: Lindqvist, 1972) [Swedish trans by Lundwall of the above: Bernhard: pb/George Barr]
- Uppdrag i universum ["Mission in the Universe"] (Stockholm, Sweden: Lindqvist, 1973) [Bernhard: hb/]
- Bernhard the Conqueror (New York: DAW Books, 1973) [trans by Lundwall of the above: Bernhard: pb/Tim Kirk]
- Bernhards magiska sommar ["Bernhard's Magical Summer"] (Stockholm, Sweden: Lindqvist, 1975) [Bernhard: pb/]
Flat Earth
- Flicka i fönster vid världens kant ["Girl in a Window at the Edge of the World"] (Stockholm, Sweden: Norstedt, 1980) [Flat Earth: hb/]
- Tiden och Amélie ["Time and Amélie"] (Bromma, Sweden: Lundwall Fakta & fantasi, 1986) [Flat Earth: pb/]
- Frukost bland ruinerna ["Breakfast Among the Ruins"] (Bromma, Sweden: Lundwall Fakta & fantasi, 1988) [Flat Earth: pb/]
- Gestalter i sten ["Figures in Stone"] (Bromma, Sweden: Lundwall Fakta & fantasi, 1988) [Flat Earth: pb/]
- Vasja Ambartsurian: en promenad i labyrinten ["Vasja Ambartsurian: A Walk In the Labyrinth"] (Bromma, Sweden: Lundwall Fakta & fantasi, 1990) [Flat Earth: pb/]
- Staden vid tidens ände eller Sam Spade i kamp mot entropin: en film noir ["The City at the End of Time, or Sam Spade Fighting Entropy: A Film Noir"] (Bromma, Sweden: Lundwall Fakta & fantasi, 1993) [Flat Earth: pb/]
- Berenice: Tjugo timmar i doktor Mirabilis hus ["Berenice: Twenty Hours in the House of Doctor Mirabilis"] (Bromma, Sweden: Lundwall Fakta & fantasi, 2011) [ebook: PDF on CD-ROM as Jules Verne-magasinet #547: Flat Earth: na/]
individual titles
- Alice's World (New York: Ace, 1970) [dos: with No Time for Heroes above: pb/Josh Kirby]
- Alice, Alice! (Stockholm, Sweden: Delta, 1974) [Swedish trans by Lundwall of the above: pb/]
- King Kong blues: en berättelse från år 2018 ["King Kong Blues: A Story of the Year 2018"] (Stockholm, Sweden: Lindqvist, 1974) [hb/]
- 2018 AD, or The King Kong Blues (New York: DAW Books, 1975) [trans by Lundwall of the above: pb/Josh Kirby]
- Tio sånger och Alltid lady MacBeth ["Ten Songs and Always Lady MacBeth"] (Stockholm, Sweden: Delta, 1975) [coll: song lyrics and a short novel: pb/]
- Mörkrets furste eller Djävulstornets hemlighet: en pastisch ["The Prince of Darkness or The Secret of the Devil Tower: A Pastiche"] (Stockholm, Sweden: Delta, 1975) [hb/]
- Gäst i Frankensteins hus ["Guest in the House of Frankenstein"] (Stockholm, Sweden: Delta, 1976) [pb/]
- Mardrömmen ["The Nightmare"] (Stockholm, Sweden: Lindqvist, 1977) [hb/]
- Fängelsestaden ["The Prison City"] (Stockholm, Sweden: Norstedt, 1978) [hb/]
- Crash ["Crash"] (Stockholm, Sweden: Norstedt, 1982) [associational: hb/]
- Zap! (Bromma, Sweden: Lundwall Fakta & fantasi, 1992) [pb/]
- Ygor (Bromma, Sweden: privately published, 2014) [strictly limited number of copies (11): binding unknown/]
- Bibliografi över science fiction och fantasy 1830-1961 ["Bibliography of Science Fiction and Fantasy 1830-1961"] (Stockholm, Sweden: Fiktiva, 1962) with Kjell Hjalmarsson [bibliography: mimeographed: pb/]
- Bibliografi över science fiction och fantasy 1830-1961. Supplement A ["Bibliography of Science Fiction and Fantasy 1830-1961. Supplement A"] (Stockholm, Sweden: Fiktiva, 1962) with Kjell Hjalmarsson [bibliography: mimeographed: pb/]
- Bibliografi över science fiction och fantasy (1772-april 1964) ["Bibliography of Science Fiction and Fantasy (1772 to April 1964)"] (Stockholm, Sweden: Fiktiva, 1964) [bibliography: pb/]
- Illustrerad bibliografi over science fiction & fantasy 1741-1973. ["Illustrated Bibliography of Science Fiction & Fantasy, 1741-1973"] (Stockholm, Sweden: Lindqvist, 1974) [bibliography: hb/]
- Bibliografi över science fiction & fantasy 1974-1983 ["Bibliography of Science Fiction & Fantasy 1974-1983"] (Stockholm, Sweden: Delta, 1985) [bibliography: hb/]
- Bibliografi över science fiction & fantasy 1741-1996 ["Bibliography of Science Fiction & Fantasy 1741-1996"] (Stockholm, Sweden: Lundwall Fakta & fantasi, 1997) [bibliography: hb/]
- Bibliografi över science fiction och fantasy 1997-2006 ["Bibliography of Science Fiction and Fantasy 1997-2006"] (Stockholm, Sweden: Lundwall Fakta & fantasi, 2007) [bibliography: supplement to the above, making up the entire contents of Jules Verne-magasinet #533, August 2007: mag/]
general nonfiction
- Science fiction: från begynnelsen till våra dagar ["Science Fiction: From the Beginning until Today"] (Stockholm, Sweden: Sveriges radio, 1969) [nonfiction: genre overview: pb/]
- Science Fiction: What It's All About (New York: Ace, 1971) [nonfiction: exp trans by Lundwall of the above: pb/Dean Ellis]
- Utopia – dystopia. Nedslag I framtidens politliska historia ["Utopia – Dystopia. Notes on the Political History of the Future"] (Stockholm, Sweden: Delta, 1977) [nonfiction: coll: pb/]
- Science Fiction – An Illustrated History. (New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1978) [nonfiction: book is copyright 1977, hence frequent misdating, but published in 1978 as stated on copyright page: hb/Hans Arnold]
- En bok om science fiction, fantastik, futurism, robotar, monster, vampyrer, utopier, dystopier och annat märkvärdigt och oväntat och osannolikt ["A Book About Science Fiction, Fantastika, Futurism, Robots, Monsters, Vampires, Utopias, Dystopias and Other Strange, Unexpected and Implausible Things"] (Bromma, Sweden: Lundwall Fakta & fantasi, 1993) [nonfiction: coll: pb/]
works as editor
Den fantastiska romanen ["The Fantastic Novel"]
- Den fantastiska romanen. 1. Klassisk utopi och rymdfärd från Lukianos till Edward Bellamy. ["The Fantastic Novel. 1. Classical Utopis and Space Travels from Lucian to Edward Bellamy"] (Stockholm, Sweden: Gummesson, 1972) [anth: historical selections with commentary: Den fantastiska romanen: pb/]
- Den fantastiska romanen. 2. Gotisk skräckromantik från Horace Walpole till H.P. Lovecraft. ["The Fantastic Novel. 2. Classical Horror Romances from Horace Walpole to H P Lovecraft"] (Stockholm, Sweden: Gummesson, 1973) [anth: historical selections with commentary: Den fantastiska romanen: pb/]
- Den fantastiska romanen. 3. Viktorianska framtidsdrömmar från Claës Lundin till H. G. Wells. ["The Fantastic Novel. 3. Victorian Dreams of the Future from Claës Lundin to H. G. Wells"] (Stockholm, Sweden: Gummesson, 1973) [anth: historical selections with commentary: Den fantastiska romanen: pb/]
- Den fantastiska romanen. 4. Science fiction i dag från Isaac Asimov till Robert Sheckley. ["The Fantastic Novel. 4. Present-Day Science Fiction from Isaac Asimov to Robert Sheckley"] (Stockholm, Sweden: Gummesson, 1974) [anth: historical selections with commentary: Den fantastiska romanen: pb/]
individual titles as editor
- Det hände i morgon 1-18 ["It Happened Tomorrow", vol 1-18] (Stockholm, Sweden: Delta, 1973-1983) [anth: published in eighteen volumes: reprinting all fiction (without editorial matter) from the 54 issues of Jules Verne-magasinet 1974-1982: pb/]
- H P Lovecraft. Skräckens labyrinter ["The Labyrinths of Fear"] (Stockholm, Sweden: Askild & Kärnekull, 1973) [coll: pb/]
- Arthur C Clarke. Mörkrets mur. Noveller av Arthur C. Clarke ["The Wall of Darkness. Stories by Arthur C. Clarke"] (Stockholm, Sweden: Delta, 1975) [coll: pb/]
- Isaac Asimov: Den senfödde. Noveller av Isaac Asimov ["Lastborn. Stories by Isaac Asimov"] (Stockholm, Sweden: Delta, 1975) [coll: pb/]
- Science fiction på svenska ["Science Fiction in Swedish"] (Stockholm, Sweden: Delta, 1977) [anth: stories by Swedish authors: pb/]
- Edgar Allan Poe. Vrånghetens demon och anrda noveller av Edgar Allan Poe ["The Demon of Contrariness and other stories by Edgar Allan Poe"] (Stockholm, Sweden: Delta, 1978) [coll: pb/]
- Science fiction vid gasljus ["Science Fiction by Gaslight"] (Stockholm, Sweden: Delta, 1980) [anth: Victorian sf stories: pb/]
- Tema: Tid ["Theme: Time"] (Stockholm, Sweden: Delta, 1985) [anth: Time: hb/]
- The Penguin World Omnibus of Science Fiction: An Anthology (London: Penguin Books, 1986) with Brian W Aldiss [anth: pb/Alan Craddock]
- Framstegens tid ["The Time of Progress"] (Bromma, Sweden: Lundwall Fakat & fantasi, 1986) [anth: pb/]
- Den eviga grodan ["The Eternal Frog"] (Bromma, Sweden: Lundwall Fakta & fantasi, 1986) [anth: pb/]
- H P Lovecraft. Cthulhu 1. Noveller av H.P. Lovecraft ["Cthulhu 1. Stories by H P Lovecraft"] (Stockholm, Sweden: Delta, 1988) [coll: pb/]
- H P Lovecraft. Cthulhu 2. Noveller av H.P. Lovecraft ["Cthulhu 2. Stories by H P Lovecraft"] (Stockholm, Sweden: Delta, 1988) [coll: pb/]
- Lord Dunsany. Huset vid världens kant. Noveller av lord Dunsany ["The House at the Edge of the World. Stories by Lord Dunsany"] (Bromma, Sweden: Lundwall Fakta & fantasi, 1989) [coll: pb/]
- Stora robotboken ["The Big Book of Robots"] (Bromma, Sweden: Lundwall Fakta & fantasi, 1991) [anth: Robots: pb/]
- H P Lovecraft. Skräckens hus och andra noveller av H.P. Lovecraft ["The House of Fear and Other Stories by H P Lovecraft"] (Bromma, Sweden: Lundwall Fakta fantasi, 1991) [coll: pb/]
- Första stora monsterboken ["The First Big Book of Monsters"] (Bromma, Sweden: Lundwall Fakta & fantasi, 1991) [anth: Monsters: pb/]
- Drömmen om det 29:e seklet: texter och bilder av och om Jules Verne ["Dreams of the Twenty-Ninth Century: Texts and Images by and About Jules Verne"] (Bromma, Sweden: Lundwall Fakta & fantasi, 1992) [anth: Jules Verne: pb/]
- H P Lovecraft. Midnattsgästerna och andra noveller av H.P. Lovecraft ["The Midnight Guests and Other Stories by H P Lovecraft"] (Bromma, Sweden: Lundwall Fakta fantasi, 1992) [coll: pb/]
- H P Lovecraft. Dagon och andra noveller av H.P. Lovecraft ["Dagon and Other Stories by H P Lovecraft"] (Bromma, Sweden: Lundwall Fakta fantasi, 1992) [coll: pb/]
- Andra stora monsterboken ["The Second Big Book of Monsters"] (Bromma, Sweden: Lundwall Fakta & fantasi, 1992) [anth: Monsters: pb/]
- Ambrose Bierce. Hundolja. Noveller av Ambrose Bierce ["Oil of Dog. Stories by Ambrose Bierce"] (Bromma, Sweden: Lundwall Fakta & fantasi, 1993) [coll: pb/]
- Vampyrboken ["The Vampire Book"] (Bromma, Sweden: Lundwall Fakta & fantasi, 1993) [anth: Vampires: pb/]
- Gudar, änglar, demoner och andra monster ["Gods, Angels, Demons, and Other Monsters"] (Bromma, Sweden: Lundwall Fakta & fantasi, 1994) [anth: pb/]
- Det eviga livet: en science fiction-antologi med noveller om odödlighetens lycka och elände ["Eternal Life: A Science Fiction Anthology of Stories About the Happiness and Misery of Immortality"] (Bromma, Sweden: Lundwall Fakta & fantasi, 1994) [anth: Immortality: pb/]
- Robert Bloch. Livet är en film. Noveller av Robert Bloch ["Life Is a Movie. Stories by Robert Bloch"] (Bromma, Sweden: Lundwall Fakta & fantasi, 1993) [coll: pb/]
- Brian W Aldiss. Sanningens ögonblick och andra noveller av Brian W. Aldiss ["The Moment of Truth and Other Stories by Brian W. Aldiss"] (Bromma, Sweden: Lundwall Fakta & fantasi, 1993) [coll: pb/]
- Alfred Bester. Utjämnaren och andra noveller av Alfred Bester ["The Equalizer and Other Stories by Alfred Bester"] (Bromma, Sweden: Lundwall Fakta & fantasi, 1994) [coll: pb/]
- H P Lovecraft. Necronomicon: de döda namnens bok. Noveller och texter av H.P. Lovecraft ["Necronomicon: The Book of Dead Names. Stories and Texts by H P Lovecraft"] (Bromma, Sweden: Lundwall Fakta & fantasi, 1995) [coll: pb/]
- Fantasy. Tio noveller av fantasyns mästare ["Fantasy. Ten Stories by the Masters of Fantasy"] (Bromma, Sweden: Lundwall Fakta & fantasi, 1995) [anth: Fantasy: pb/]
- Draculas gäst. Sex klassiska skräcknoveller ["Dracula's Guest. Six Classic Horror Stories"] (Bromma, Sweden: Lundwall Fakta & fantasi, 1995) [anth: pb/]
- Marsianska drömmar. En antologi med åtta noveller från fantasins röda planet ["Martian Dreams. An Anthology of Eight Stories from the Red Planet of Imagination"] (Bromma, Sweden: Lundwall Fakta & fantasi, 1996) [anth: Mars: pb/]
- Cthulhus arv: en antologi med noveller av H.P. Lovecraft och hans krets ["The Inheritance of Cthulhu: An Anthology of Stories by H P Lovecraft and His Circle"] (Bromma, Sweden: Lundwall Fakta & fantasi, 1996) [anth: Cthulhu Mythos: pb/]
- Evig lycka i utopia: de inbillade lösningarnas bok ["Eternal Happiness in Utopia: The Book of Imagined Solutions"] (Bromma, Sweden: Lundwall Fakta & fantasi, 1998) [anth: Utopias: pb/]
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