Madách, Imre
Entry updated 31 August 2018. Tagged: Author, Theatre.
(1823-1864) Hungarian playwright and parliamentarian, chiefly known for his verse play Az ember tragédiája (1861; trans Charles Henry Meltzer and Paul Vajdatrans as The Tragedy of Man: A Dramatic Poem in Fifteen Scenes 1933 Hungary; preferred trans George Szirtes 1988 Hungary). This philosophical, rather pessimistic fantasy about the destiny of mankind focuses on Adam (an optimist) and Eve (see Adam and Eve), and Lucifer (a materialist), who reappear in each scene in different guises (Adam once as Johannes Kepler), all this being a dream shown to Adam by Lucifer. The somewhat high-flown narrative begins in biblical times and ends in the future; one of the last scenes is set in space, and another on a Dying Earth in the Far Future when the Sun is dim and red. [PN]
Imre Madách
born Alsósztregova, Hungary: 21 January 1823
died Alsósztregova, Hungary: 5 October 1864
- Az ember tragédiája (Pest, Hungary: Kisfaludy Társaság, 1862) [play: dated 1861 but published early 1862: binding unknown/]
- The Tragedy of Man: A Dramatic Poem in Fifteen Scenes (Budapest, Hungary: Dr George Valna and Co, 1933) [trans by Charles Henry Meltzer and Paul Vajda of the above: hb/]
- The Tragedy of Man: A Dramatic Poem in Fifteen Scenes (Budapest, Hungary: Corvina, 1963) [play: trans by J C W Horne of the above: hb/]
- The Tragedy of Man (Budapest, Hungary: Corvina, 1988) [play: trans by George Szirtes of the above: hb/Zichy]
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