Markwick, Edward
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.

Working name of UK lawyer and author Edward Markwick Johnson (1851-1925), later his legal name, active in the last quarter of the nineteenth century; his sf novel, The City of Gold: A Tale of Sport, Travel, and Adventure in the Heart of the Dark Continent (1896), direly invades H Rider Haggard territory, taking its protagonists into a scientifically advanced Semitic Lost World in Africa with Ray Guns, run by a Great White Witch (see She) whose love for the hero causes her death. [JC]
Edward Markwick Johnson
born London: 1851
died Godalming, Surrey: 21 June 1925
- The City of Gold: A Tale of Sport, Travel, and Adventure in the Heart of the Dark Continent (London: Tower Publishing Co, 1896) [illus/hb/Harold Piffard]
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