Marshall, Peyton
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.
(1972- ) US author active since the early 2000s, her short work being exclusively nonfantastic. Her first novel, Goodhouse (2014), though its plot adheres to the dominant Near Future Young Adult Dystopia model, is written with a fluent literary intensity that lifts it from some of the constraints implied by its literal obedience to genre conventions. The young protagonist has been raised as a ward of the state in a "Goodhouse", where he has been subject to Thought Experiments in Genetic Engineering that accord ill with the Christian rhetoric generated by the society's rulers, and are in any case based on the shaky premise that only males bear criminality genes. [JC]
Peyton Marshall
born Pennsylvania: 1972
- Goodhouse (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2014) [hb/]
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