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Matiushin, Mikhail

Entry updated 15 July 2013. Tagged: Music, People.

(1861-1934) Russian Futurist artist and composer. The music he composed for the avant-garde opera Pobieda iad sopitsem ["Victory over the Sun"] (1921) has mostly been lost, although both the libretto (by Aleksei Kruchenykh, 1886-1968, in the invented language "Zaum") and accounts of the original performances remain. The narrative of the opera concerns a group of astronauts who wage war upon the Sun, destroying and burying it in order to release a new, open-ended reality. The last image on stage was a black square painted on the backdrop by artist Kasimir Malevich (1878-1935), symbolic of a new cosmos. [AR]

see also: SF Music.

Mikhail Matiushin

born Nizhni Novgorod, Russia: 1861

died Leningrad, Russia: 1934

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