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Metaphysical Review, The

Entry updated 3 February 2025. Tagged: Fan, Publication.


Australian Fanzine (1984-1998) edited, published, and written by Bruce Gillespie for Melbourne, Victoria. 29 issues. American quarto (letter-size) duplicated from #1 (July 1984) to #10 (March 1987); A4 photo-offset from #11/12/13 (November 1987) to #28/29 (August 1998). Average length 40pp to #10; 80pp thereafter.

Though Gillespie first used the title for 1969-1972 APA publications, the first of the main series appeared in 1984 as an intended replacement for his SF Commentary. After the latter was revived in 1989, The Metaphysical Review specialized in "personal journalism": essays and reviews of personal interest to the editor and readers, not often directly about sf or fantasy, including Fandom, general literature, music, films, and travel. Its letter column was notable, with some issues attracting letters from 50% of readers. Notable special issues included those on the 1970s Melbourne slanshack (see Fan Language) The Magic Pudding Club (July 1985 #4), Dreams (August 1986 #9), Garrison Keillor (August 1991 #7/#8), Music (November 1989 #14), Australian mainstream writing (August 1991 #15/16/17) and Travel and Leisure (March 1993 #18 and other issues).

Among the frequent contributors were George Turner, Yvonne Rousseau, Race Mathews, John Bangsund (see Australian SF Review), Sally Yeoland, Gerald Murnane, Douglas Barbour, David J Lake, John Litchen, Lucy Sussex and Ian Gunn. From 1995 on, covers featured computer graphics covers by Dick Jenssen, nicknamed Ditmar. The Metaphysical Review won the Ditmar Award as best fanzine in 1986 and 1999. From 2013, this fanzine was subsumed, along with Gillespie's APA titles *brg*, The Great Cosmic Donut of Life and Scratch Pad, into the new A4 publication Treasure, which continues the high publication standards, glossy paper and colour covers of the later Metaphysical Review. [BG]


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