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Morgan, Charles

Entry updated 25 November 2024. Tagged: Author, Theatre.

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(1894-1958) UK man of letters, playwright and author, in active service during World War One; some of his novels, like Sparkenboke (1936) and The Judge's Story (1947), verge solemnly upon the fantastic. Of sf interest is his last play, The Burning Glass (1953; performed 1954), a late example of an Scientific Romance arguably irradiated by its author's war experiences; it is set in the Near Future and describes a new Power-Source Invention whose inventor refuses to pass its formula on to the British government in fear of the consequences to the world (see Politics). A writer of modest but fatally untempestuous decency, Morgan is not now much remembered. [JC]

Charles Langbridge Morgan

born Bromley, Kent [now London]: 22 January 1894

died London: 6 February 1958

works (highly selected)

  • Sparkenboke (London: Macmillan and Company, 1936) [hb/]
  • The Judge's Story (London: Macmillan and Company, 1947) [hb/]
  • The Burning Glass (London: Macmillan and Company, 1953) [play: first performed 18 February 1954 Apollo Theatre, London: hb/nonpictorial]


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