Naha, Ed
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.

(1950- ) US author and journalist, at one time the Los Angeles-based movie correspondent for the New York Post; between July 1986 and September 1990 he ran the regular movie and television Nahallywood column in Science Fiction Chronicle. His nonfiction books, aimed at a popular market, include: Horrors – From Screen to Scream (1975); The Science Fictionary: An A-Z Guide to the World of SF Authors, Films and TV Shows (1980), a small, selective encyclopedia that is reliable if brief on film and television, but devotes far too little space to authors; The Films of Roger Corman: Brilliance on a Budget (1982); and The Making of Dune (1984).
Naha's first sf novel was The Paradise Plot (1980), a humorous mystery novel set on a Space Habitat at the L5 (see Lagrange Point); the sequel was The Suicide Plague (1982). In 1984, as D B Drumm (a House Name), he began writing the Traveler sequence of Survivalist Fiction set in a depleted Post-Holocaust USA, beginning with Traveler #1: First, You Fight (1984) and ending with Traveler #13: Ghost Dancers (1987); see checklist for titles by Naha, and see D B Drumm for full listing, including titles by John Shirley. The Marauders sequence as by Michael McGann – beginning with The Marauders (1989) and ending with The Marauders: Fortress of Death (1991) – is similar, set in this case shortly after the end of World War Two, and engaging in Military SF tropes.
Naha also wrote three film novelizations – RoboCop (1987), Ghostbusters II (1989) and RoboCop 2 (1990) – and two horror novels, Breakdown (1988) and Orphans (1989). [PN]
Ed Naha
born Elizabeth, New Jersey: 10 June 1950
Harry Porter
- The Paradise Plot (New York: Bantam Books, 1980) [Harry Porter: pb/Paul Lehr]
- The Suicide Plague (New York: Bantam Books, 1982) [Harry Porter: pb/]
- RoboCop (New York: Dell Books, 1987) [tie to the film: RoboCop: pb/]
- RoboCop 2 (New York: Dell Books, 1990) [tie to the film: RoboCop 2: pb/]
For full title list see D B Drumm.
- Traveler: First, You Fight (New York: Dell Books, 1984) as by D B Drumm [tie to Traveler: pb/]
- Traveler #7: The Road Ghost (New York: Dell Books, 1985) as by D B Drumm [tie to Traveler: pb/R S Brown]
- Traveler #9: The Stalking Time (New York: Dell Books, 1987) as by D B Drumm [tie to Traveler: pb/]
- Traveler #10: Hell on Earth (New York: Dell Books, 1987) as by D B Drumm [tie to Traveler: pb/]
- Traveler #11: The Children's Crusade (New York: Dell Books, 1987) as by D B Drumm [tie to Traveler: pb/]
- Traveler #12: The Prey (New York: Dell Books, 1987) as by D B Drumm [tie to Traveler: pb/R S Brown]
- Traveler #13: Ghost Dancers (New York: Dell Books, 1987) as by D B Drumm [tie to Traveler: pb/R S Brown]
- The Marauders (New York: Jove Books, 1989) as by Michael McGann [tie: Marauders: pb/]
- The Marauders: Blood Kin (New York: Jove Books, 1989) as by Michael McGann [tie: Marauders: pb/]
- The Marauders: Liar's Dice (New York: Jove Books, 1990) as by Michael McGann [tie: Marauders: pb/]
- The Marauders: Convoy Strike (New York: Jove Books, 1990) as by Michael McGann [tie: Marauders: pb/]
- The Marauders: The Ghost Warriors (New York: Jove Books, 1990) as by Michael McGann [tie: Marauders: pb/]
- The Marauders: Blood and Fire (New York: Jove Books, 1991) as by Michael McGann [tie: Marauders: pb/]
- The Marauders: Fortress of Death (New York: Jove Books, 1991) as by Michael McGann [tie: Marauders: pb/]
individual titles
- Breakdown (New York: Dell Books, 1988) [pb/uncredited]
- Ghostbusters II (New York: Dell Books, 1989) [tie to the film: Ghostbusters II: pb/]
- Orphans (New York: Dell Books, 1989) [pb/uncredited]
- Horrors – From Screen to Scream: An Encyclopedic Guide to the Greatest Horror and Fantasy Films of All Time (New York: Avon/Flare, 1975) [encyclopedia: pb/uncredited]
- The Science Fictionary: An A-Z Guide to the World of SF Authors, Films and TV Shows (New York: Seaview Books, 1980) [encyclopedia: hb/Mike Stromberg]
- Wanted, by the Intergalactic Security Bureau: 20 Full-Color Posters of the Most Wanted Alien Criminals (New York: Bantam Books, 1980) with Eric Seidman [graph: "nonfiction": illus/pb/Eric Seidman]
- The Films of Roger Corman: Brilliance on a Budget (New York: Arco, 1982) [nonfiction: Roger Corman: hb/]
- The Making of Dune (New York: Berkley Books, 1984) [nonfiction: Dune; Frank Herbert: pb/uncredited]
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