Nevinson, C R W
Entry updated 20 March 2023. Tagged: Author.
(1889-1946) UK author and painter who served as a war artist in World War One, and was active as an English exponent of Futurism both as painter, as his war work demonstrated, and as polemicist; Vital English Art (1914 chap) with Filippo Marinetti, a manifesto espousing (and attempting to corner) the Futurism movement in the UK, created an instant controversy, gaining the animosity of Wyndham Lewis. Of sf interest is Exodus A.D.: A Warning to Civilians (1934) with Princess Mariya Troubetzkoy, a Future War tale suffused with interbellum rancour, Paranoia and despair about the survival of a civilized Europe. [JC]
Christopher Richard Wynne Nevinson
born London: 13 August 1889
died London: 7 October 1946
- Exodus A.D.: A Warning to Civilians (London: Hutchinson and Co, 1934) with Princess Mariya Troubetzkoy [hb/]
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