Nonstop Magazine
Entry updated 19 February 2024. Tagged: Publication.
US Semiprozine published and edited by K J Cypret from New York, with Luis Ortiz as art director. It only saw three printed issues, all far apart, Winter 1993, Winter 1995 and Spring 1997. The first two were letter-size and the third review size, with a title change to Nonstop Science Fiction Magazine; the never-completed fourth issue was released in digital (PDF) form only in October 2013, along with digital reissues of the first three. Nonstop was anarchic in form, design and content and, like other magazines appearing at the same time or earlier, it was seeking to provide an alternative viewpoint on science fiction. Contents were by many familiar faces, with a regular column by Paul Di Filippo, stories by Barry N Malzberg and Steve Rasnic Tem, Interviews with Charles Platt and Vernor Vinge and articles about Cyberpunk and the future of sf. It had much in common with Science Fiction Eye but, because it was so irregular, it had less impact. [MA]
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