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Orpen, Adela

Entry updated 30 December 2024. Tagged: Author.

(1855-1927) US farmer and author, in the United Kingdom from 1867; she remained in Ireland after independence. Of her various works, Perfection City (1897) begins as a Utopia set in what appears to be very Near Future rural Kansas. But what appears at first to be an over-rigorous regime turns out to be the acceptable face of an aspirational Religious dictatorship. The protagonists escape in the nick of time. [JC]

Adela Elizabeth Richards Orpen

born Virginia: 3 February 1855

died Monksgrange House, County Wexford, Ireland: 17 February 1927

works (selected)

  • Perfection City (New York: D Appleton and Company, 1897) as Mrs Orpen [hb/]


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