O'Sheel, Shaemas
Entry updated 28 August 2023. Tagged: Author.
(1886-1954) US journalist, poet and author born James Shields, who changed his name as a very young man to its Irish equivalent. He is of sf interest for It Never Could Happen; Or, the Second American Revolution (1932), a future history Future History presented as the 1982 memoir of a key conspirator in the revolution of 1932, which begins in the very Near Future of that year, as the historical "Bonus Expeditionary Force" (brutally put down in real life by President Hoover) regroups behind a dominant, moderately left-wing leader, who – after an attempted coup d'état by an alliance of bankers and other members of the oligarchy – engineers the fall of the American government (see Politics). He rules America for half a century, bringing a state of peace with justice; then resigns, his task done. [JC]
Shaemas O'Sheel
born New York: 19 September 1886
died 2 April 1954
- It Never Could Happen; Or, the Second American Revolution (New York: Coventry House, 1932) [hb/]
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