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Otto, Erik A

Entry updated 13 May 2024. Tagged: Author.

(?   -    ) Canadian-born US author of both fantasy and sf novels, at one time resident in Switzerland. In A Toxic Ambition (2011), planet Earth is controlled from protected Zones by the wealthy who have plundered the world. Detonation (2018) depicts two societies, both perhaps Dystopian, one from before and one after the titular event, a kind of imposition of technological Singularity on the part of an AI. The Tale of Infidels trio opening with A Tale of Infidels (2019) is fantasy. Proliferation (2021), a separate tale within the loose world of Detonation, deals with solitary attempts to create a Utopia consistent with AI dominance over the planet. Falcon Fire (2022) is a Dystopia set on a cruelly exploited Venus. [JC]

Erik A Otto

born Canada



Tale of Infidels

  • A Tale of Infidels (Charlottesville, Virginia: Sagis Press, 2019) [Tale of Infidels: pb/]
  • The Day's Wake (Charlottesville, Virginia: Sagis Press, 2019) [Tale of Infidels: pb/Karolis Zukas]
  • The Third Internecion (Charlottesville, Virginia: Sagis Press, 2019) [Tale of Infidels: pb/Karolis Zukas]

individual titles

  • A Toxic Ambition (Indianapolis, Indiana: Dog Ear Publishing, 2011) [pb/]
  • Detonation (Charlottesville, Virginia: Sagis Press, 2018) [pb/]
  • Proliferation (Charlottesville, Virginia: Sagis Press, 2021) [pb/]
  • Falcon Fire (Charlottesville, Virginia: Sagis Press, 2022) [pb/Erikas Perl]
  • Subjugation (Charlottesville, Virginia: Sagis Press, 2023) [pb/Erikas Perl]

collections and stories

  • Transition (Charlottesville, Virginia: Sagis Press, 2022) [novella: ebook: na/]


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