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Payne, Robert

Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.

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(1911-1983) UK-born author, much travelled, who spent most of his later years in America, and who specialized in biography. Exceedingly prolific under a variety of names – including Richard Cargoe, John Anthony Devon, Howard Horne and Valentin Tikhonov – he wrote little fantasy or sf. The War in the Marshes (1938) as by Robert Young is an allegorical adventure rather in the mode of Rex Warner, in which a very Near Future Wales revolts against England. The Deluge (1954 chap), which pretends to be based on notes left by Leonardo da Vinci, is sf, in which an ancient City is drowned by a vast flood resulting from the prophesied collapse of a mountain in Armenia. [JC]

Pierre Stephen Robert Payne

born Saltash, Cornwall: 4 December 1911

died Bermuda: 3 March 1983



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