Pei, Mario
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.

(1901-1978) Italian-born linguist, translator and author, in US from 1908, best known for such popularizing texts as The Story of Language (1949). His political conservatism shapes The Sparrows of Paris (1958), where foreign villains – at least one having been exposed to Communism in his formative years – transform themselves into Werewolves and other creatures through the use of an ancient Drug in aid of their campaign to seduce America's youth with marijuana and other foreign substances. [JC]
Mario Andrew Pei
born Rome, Italy: 16 February 1901
died Glen Ridge, New Jersey: 2 March 1978
works (highly selected)
- The Sparrows of Paris (New York: Philosophical Library, 1958) [hb/?Lapinsky]
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