Perkins, Penny
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.
(1962- ) US author of Bob Bridges: An Apocalyptic Fable (1999), scattily Equipoisal between sf and Beast Fable [see The Encyclopedia of Fantasy under links below], whose Computer programmer eponym has been predicting nuclear Holocaust, a vision confirmed by a cockroach from the Far Future, long after the Ruined Earth has been healed by cockroaches. The telling of the tale competently evokes authors as dissimilar as Donald Harrington (1935-2009), author of The Cockroaches of Stay More (1989), Kurt Vonnegut Jr and William Wharton, author of Franky Furbo (1989). [JC]
Penny Perkins
born Vandalia, Illinois: 1962
- Bob Bridges: An Apocalyptic Fable (Albany, New York: Chrome Deco Press, 1989) [pb/]
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