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Pierce, William Luther

Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.

(1933-2002) US demagogue, politician and author who claimed to have become a Neo-Nazi when he caught sight of a mixed-race woman on his college campus, and whose National Alliance advocated white separatism and ethnic cleansing (see Eugenics). He is of sf interest for The Turner Diaries (1975-???? Attack!; 1976; rev 1980) as by Andrew MacDonald, set in the Near Future when the protagonist directs the overthrow of the American government, which has been dominated by Jews who wish to emasculate Americans by taking away their guns. From his base in Los Angeles (see California), Turner arranges the genocide of all Blacks and Jews within his reach, and then destroys New York and other Eastern lairs through the use of nuclear weapons, which segues into a cleansing World War Three. The diaries, which have been discovered around 2099, are introduced by an historian of that time in a laudatory voice. The revised edition moves the action forward a decade, but does not otherwise tamper with its message. A second novel, Hunter (1989) as by Andrew MacDonald, delineates without humanity some of the circumstances leading up to The Turner Diaries itself; the book is dedicated to Joseph Paul Franklin, a serial killer who – like Pierce's protagonist in this volume – specialized in the murder of interracial couples. [JC]

William Luther Pierce

born Atlanta, Georgia: 11 September 1933

died Mill Point, West Virginia: 23 July 2002


  • The Turner Diaries (Hillsboro, West Virginia: National Vanguard Books, 1976) as by Andrew MacDonald [hb/]
    • The Turner Diaries (Hillsboro, West Virginia: National Vanguard Books, 1980) as by Andrew MacDonald [rev of the above: hb/]
  • Hunter (Hillsboro, West Virginia: National Vanguard Books, 1989) as by Andrew MacDonald [pb/]


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