Planet Magazine
Entry updated 25 August 2014. Tagged: Publication.
The oldest surviving continuously published Online Magazine started by Andrew G McGann, New York, in January/March 1994 and running for 35 releases (42 numbered issues but #9/10, #11/12, #13/16 and #27/28 combined and there was no #25) until June 2004 when it switched to a cumulative webzine or blogzine. It began as an E-Zine in plain text, via AOL, and did not convert to a Webzine until Autumn 1996 with issue #11/12, making it the only digital magazine to have existed in all three forms of e-zine, webzine and blogzine. Fiction in the early issues was very derivative with some Star Trek imitation stories and Vampire fiction. Issue #9/10 (February/March 1996) reprinted Spider Robinson's "His Own Petard" (in Touch Wood, anth 1993, ed Peter Crowther), but the first new fiction it was able to attract from a professional writer was "The Cure" (December 1998 #20) by F Alexander Brejcha, featuring Nanotechnology. The fiction still remained primarily the output of dedicated amateurs, although a body of regulars who were contributing elsewhere on the internet began to form by the late 1990s. Amongst them was Rick Novy whose early story, "The Neanderthal Swan Song" (September/December 2000 #27/28) he has since expanded into a novel Neanderthal Swan Song (2011 pod ebook). Other better-known contributors include Forrest Aguire, Eric S Brown, J Alan Erwine, Guy Hasson and M F Korn, though most of the writers were still drawn from McGann's regular circle. This has continued since McGann converted the magazine into a cumulative blogzine. [MA]
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