Powe, Bruce
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.

(1925-2018) Canadian author whose sf novels concentrate on political disorders, a theme very common to post-World War Two writers from his country. Killing Ground: The Canadian Civil War (1968) as by Ellis Portal sets its fatal conflict in Near Future Canada. The Last Days of the American Empire (1974) more far-rangingly places its conflicts in the twenty-first century, when a North American hegemony is threatened by Invasions from both Europe and starving Africa. [JC]
Bruce Powe
born Edmonton, Alberta: 9 June 1925
died Toronto, Ontario: 16 November 2018
- Killing Ground: The Canadian Civil War (Toronto, Ontario: Peter Martin Associates, 1968) as by Ellis Portal [pb/]
- The Last Days of the American Empire (Toronto, Ontario: Macmillan of Canada, 1974) [hb/]
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