Price, Roger
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.

(1918-1990) US television personality, cartoonist and author, best known for the comic cartoons he called Droodles – simple sketches or diagrams that make no sense without their joky captions, such as a panel of scattered blots described as "Measles Waiting To Be Caught"; these were first published as Droodles (graph 1953). The protagonist of In One Head and Out the Other (1954) "had a clever trick of saying any conceivable sentence so that it sounded like 'I had one grunch but the eggplant over there.'" ... a nonsense non-sequitur which became something of a fad in 1950s Fandom and Fanzines. In Price's one sf novel, J G, the Upright Ape [for subtitle see Checklist] (1960), the eponymous silver-haired articulate gorilla (see Apes as Human), having been transported to America, serves as a focus for much amiable but surprisingly far-reaching Satire. This author should not be confused with Roger (Damon Mainwaring) Price. [JC/DRL]
Roger Taylor Price
born Charleston, West Virginia: 6 March 1918
died Studio City, California: 31 October 1990
- Droodles (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1953) [graph: cartoons: illus/hb/Roger Price]
- In One Head and Out the Other (New York: Ballantine Books, 1954) [hb/]
- J G, the Upright Ape: Being a Novel about the Way Things Are, as Discovered in the Adventures of an Innocent Hero, and Illuminated by his Forthright Reaction to Women, Men, Progress, and Other Contemporary Phenomena (New York: Lyle Stuart, 1960) [hb/Bevans, Marks and Barrow, Inc]
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