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Purtill, Richard

Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.

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(1931-2016) US academic and author whose first work of genre interest was the nonfiction study Lord of Elves and Eldils: Fantasy and Philosophy in C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien (1974); separate examinations of these two authors from a Christian standpoint followed [see Checklist below]. Purtill's Kaphtu Universe sequence, beginning with The Golden Gryphon Feather (1979) and extending to two trilogies, is fantasy inspired by archaeology and the myths of ancient Greece. Murdercon (1982), in which a murder is discovered at an sf Convention, is a nonfantastic tale involving Recursive SF elements. In The Parallel Man (1984; exp vt as Parallel Worlds of Richard Purtill, coll 2011), a warrior Hero in a fantasy world finds that he is in fact a Clone in a high-tech Parallel World, where he and his mirror must come, uneasily, to terms; the tale is very competently crafted. The same setting appears in three short stories, included with other short work in Parallel Worlds of Richard Purtill. [JC/DRL]

Richard Lawrence Purtill

born Chicago, Illinois: 13 March 1931

died Bellingham, Washington: 4 December 2016



The Kaphtu Universe: The Kaphtu Trilogy

The Kaphtu Universe: Lost Tales of Kaphtu

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