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Rabkin, Eric S

Entry updated 3 June 2024. Tagged: Author, Critic.

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(1946-    ) US sf critic and professor of English Language and Literature, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Most of the books he has written or edited have a direct relevance to sf and fantasy. His critical works are: The Fantastic in Literature (1976; rev 1977), an academic study in genre definition (including sf), provocative but not always rigorous; Science Fiction: History · Science · Vision (1977) with Robert Scholes, a general introduction to the subject seemingly aimed at the novice, with strong opening and closing sections on the History of SF and ten representative novels, but less impressive intermediate chapters on media, sciences and themes; and Arthur C. Clarke (1979 chap; rev 1980). Two anthologies edited by Rabkin intended for educational use (see SF in the Classroom), collecting fantasy and sf stories showing the historical development of those genres, are Fantastic Worlds: Myths, Tales and Stories (anth 1979) and Science Fiction: A Historical Anthology (anth 1983).

Rabkin's other book publications are anthologies of critical essays, fourteen of them being co-edited volumes in the lengthy Eaton Conference Papers sequence, including Bridges to Fantasy (anth 1982) edited with George Edgar Slusser and Scholes, Coordinates: Placing Science Fiction and Fantasy (anth 1983) edited with Slusser and Scholes and Shadows of the Magic Lamp: Fantasy and Science Fiction in Film (anth 1985) edited with Slusser [see Checklist below for further titles]. Anthologies outside this sequence include The End of the World (anth 1983) edited with Martin H Greenberg and Joseph D Olander; No Place Else: Explorations in Utopian and Dystopian Fiction (anth 1983) edited with Greenberg and Olander. Rabkin received the Pilgrim Award in 2012. [PN]

see also: Anthropology; Cinema; Critical and Historical Works About SF.

Eric Stanley Rabkin

born New York: 8 March 1946


works as editor


Eaton Conference Papers

individual titles


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