Raines, Theron
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.

(1925-2012) US literary agent and author in whose sf novel, The Singing: A Fable about What Makes us Human (1988), a team of Martians crashes its UFO into the Guggenheim Museum in New York, where one of them, according to plan, meets and impregnates the human girl through whose eyes the tale is told. Both sides get what they need: for Mars new blood, and for the Earth unsubtle flattery of our tough and obdurate human stock. One senses that the author thought his storyline possessed some originality, though his concerns, after the fashion of many Mainstream Writers of SF, are mainly didactic. Raines edited two issues of Startling Stories (Winter and Spring 1955) in its final year. [JC]
Theron Raines
born Pine Bluff, Arizona: 26 September 1925
died 5 November 2012
- The Singing: A Fable about What Makes us Human (New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1988) [hb/Jose Ortega]
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