Ramsden, Lewis
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.

Pseudonym of A L Dowling (? -? ), UK author of The Temple of Fire (1905), a Lost Race tale whose contemporary protagonists are directed to a mysterious Island in the South Atlantic by a "Strange Letter Found in a Copper Vessel" from Elizabethan times, and find there a civilization descended from ancient Persia; an even more ancient civilization, having suffered racial Devolution, haunts the Underground caverns beneath the island in Apes as Human guise. Though brightly told, the novel is marred by the racism (see Race in SF) and Imperialist presumptions typical of the genre. [JC]
A L Dowling
- The Temple of Fire (London: Collins Clear-Type Press, 1905) [illus/hb/John Schonberg]
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