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Rice, Waubgeshig

Entry updated 21 October 2024. Tagged: Author.

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(1979-    ) Canadian journalist, broadcaster and author, active from around 2000; he is Anishinaabe, born in the Wasauksing First Nation, an entity adjacent to Parry Sound, Ontario. He is of sf interest for the Moon of the Crusted Snow sequence beginning with Moon of the Crusted Snow (2018), set in a Near Future world most of which has suffered a systemic collapse, though a remote Anishinaabe reservation [for Polder see The Encyclopedia of Fantasy under links below] (see also Zone) has remained self-sufficient, though threatened by the arrival of a white man. His exploitative manipulations of the residents (see Imperialism; Race in SF) come to a rhetorical (and perhaps insistently literal) climax when it is discovered that he is eating Anishinaabe, whom he may have himself killed. As the outside world implodes, the community knits itself together and, in Moon of the Turning Leaves (2023), leaves the reservation in a trek southwards to the original home of this nation. They are harried by renegades from the fallen white world, but survive. [JC]

Waubgeshig Isaac Rice

born Wasauksing First Nation, Ontario: 22 April 1979

works (selected)


Moon of the Crusted Snow


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