Richards, Alfred Bate
Entry updated 13 January 2025. Tagged: Author.
(1820-1876) UK editor of the Morning Advertiser from 1870 until his death, playwright and author. For many years he was active as a propagandist for UK military preparedness, but The Invasion of England (A Possible Tale of Future Times) (1870 chap), published privately, had little impact, partly because it lacked any effective narrative frame. It was in any case much less well-written than Lt.-Col. Sir George T Chesney's The Battle of Dorking: Reminiscences of a Volunteer (May 1871 Blackwood's Magazine; 1871 chap), which effectively founded the Future-War/Invasion genre so popular over the next 40 years (for further discussion, see Battle of Dorking). [JC]
Alfred Bate Richards
born Baskerville House, Worcestershire: 17 February 1820
died London: 12 June 1876
- The Invasion of England (A Possible Tale of Future Times) (place not given: published for the author, 1870) [chap: first recognized publication was in the Morning Advertiser in 1871: pb/]
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