Richardson, David J
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.
(? - ) US author of The Star Dwarves Travesty (1994; vt The Star Dwarves Trilogy 1997), a Parody of the first three volumes (by real world chronology) of George Lucas's Star Wars film sequence, focusing more on puns and intermittent attempts at narrative hoopla. Sf spoofs based on funny name changes – Luke Skywalker becoming Nuke Skyscraper – are perhaps overcommon in the field; and tend not to merit rereading. Richardson's attempt is better than some. [JC]
David J Richardson
- The Star Dwarves Travesty (Salt Lake City, Utah: Northwest Publishing, 1994) [pb/]
- The Star Dwarves Trilogy (Littleton, Colorado: StarsEnd Creations, 1997) [vt of the above: pb/]
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