Rogers-Davidson, Sally
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.
(1960- ) Australian author of Young Adult fiction, two titles being of sf interest: Polymer (1995), a Space Opera involving a galaxy-wide War; and Spare Parts (1999), set in a Dystopian Melbourne a century hence, where a rigid caste system encourages the poor to sell their bodies to the rich for purposes of Identity Exchange; an analogous Identity Transfer process is also used to create Cyborgs tough enough to submit to the ordeals of space travel, with the help of AIs. [JC]
Sally Rogers-Davidson
born Melbourne, Victoria: 13 September 1960
- Polymer (Carlton, Victoria: Cardigan Street Publishers, 1995) [pb/Annie Mertzlin]
- Spare Parts (Ringwood, Victoria: Penguin Books, 1999) [pb/Lynette Zeeng]
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